
Monday, July 25, 2011

My Final Project!

I decided to work on my Moodle class page for my final project. For the past few years, my Moodle site has simply been a spot to send my students to link to websites for projects and activities. I had never taken the time to explore all that Moodle had to offer. This course encouraged me to do just that. My first goal was to get my class page set up and organized; my second goal was to include documents and links for my first unit, ecology. I like what I have accomplished so far and am excited to continue to incorporate other web tools and Moodle aspects throughout the school year. Below is a screencast I made to show you my Moodle class page so far. An additional item I had meant to discuss (but ran out of Jing time!) was that I do not plan on having everything for a unit visible from day one; instead, I will hide items until they are needed. I do not want my students to get overwhelmed, nor do I want them to be able to access course content before it is appropriate. That is one thing I really like about Moodle.

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You may also access the screencast at: Kocian Final Web Tools Project

1 comment:

  1. Great work! Your Moodle looks excellent. I like your idea for your blog. I think using it as an online journal is great. I also like the way you have your unit set-up. It will be very easy for the students to follow. Best of luck with your Moodle this year!
